The TMT bars are cautiously supervised for quality assurance in state-of-the-art quality control laboratory. The quality control procedures begin at the billet stag itself. A sample of the raw material is subjected to chemical analysis for determining whether it conforms to the Fe500 grade specified by the BIS. After fabrication, each unit of TMT bar is checked for precision with sectional weight test and checked for rigidity with strength test in 30-minute intervals. By strictly adhering to these procedures, Siraj Steel Ltd. manages to impart the required strength and weight to the TMT bars.

- The physical testing laboratory at Siraj Steel is equipped
with a modern testing state of the art Universal Testing Machine of 1000KN. - The UTM is capable of performing several tests on steel rebars.

- Siraj Steel iS among very few re-rolling mills in Pakistan to have chemical testing laboratory at their plant which can test Carbon, MaNganese, Sulphur, Silicon and other chemicals.

- Siraj Steel is conducting three stage testing of every bar produced.
- First stage is Billet testing.
- Second stage is Steel Rebar physical testing
- third stage is chemical testing of the steel bars.